About Us

Southern Tax Services offers a complete personal, tailored approach to each client’s tax situation, enabling them to become compliant, and avoid penalties. The individual taxpayer, as well as business taxes are catered for. Services range from tax return preparation, to deceased estates and foreigners with South African assets. Southern Tax Services is a place where clients can share their tax and business problems and aspirations in a professional, yet friendly and confidential setting.

During my extensive experience as a tax practitioner, and as an ex-SARS assessor, I learned that there are so many people who need a competent tax advisor – who are overwhelmed or behind in their taxes. In recognition of this need, Southern Tax Services was established. I have had clients that were more than 6 years behind on their tax, who are now completely compliant. SARS have tightened all areas of their tax collection and compliance system, and have even amended legislation, to be able to act sooner and penalise earlier. Our service is efficient, professional and affordable, so clients can have peace of mind that their taxes do not need to be a burden.

Our Services


Manage E-Filing profiles for smallbusiness, individuals, PAYE
Manage E-Filing profiles for smallbusiness, individuals, PAYE.
Collate, calculate and file information for income tax returns
Collate, calculate and file information for income tax returns
Annual & Provisional Tax Returns
Annual & Provisional Tax Returns
Tax Directives
Tax Directives
Tax Clearance Certificates
Tax Clearance Certificates...Read More

Bookkeeping Services

Bookkeeping Services and Assistance with Monthly Administration.

Company Registrations

Register small businesses and complete CIPC returns

Client Reviews

Client Reviews

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062 231 7795



Cape Town

South Africa